Kevin Kauffman

Kevin Kauffman - Latimore Township

Kevin Kauffman

Kevin Kauffman is originally from Chester County where he was born into a dairy farming family.

He graduated from Lancaster Mennonite High. He and his wife Sara, along with their children, moved to Latimore Township from Lancaster County in 2016. They purchased a farm where they grow crops, have a cow/calf herd, and raise wean pigs to feeders. Since 2011, Kevin has owned and operated a lime fertilizer application company that services the local farming community. He is also employed part time by AgCom in Gettysburg.

Kevin and Sara have been married for 21 years and have three children. Two daughters, Cassidy, Taylor, and their son Daniel whom they adopted through foster care. They are active members at York Springs Foursquare Church.

Kevin has been previously elected to the Latimore Township auditor position, and is on the road crew, he has also served on the zoning hearing board. 

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