Frequently Asked QuestioNS
The Latimore Township Municipal building. Latimore Township only provides the voting location and cannot give any other information. ALL questions regarding voting, voter registration and polling information must be directed to ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS at 717 337-9832.
Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
The Latimore Township Police Department at (717) 528-4121
The Zoning Officer:
John Shambaugh
(717) 512-8434
You must bring 12 copies plus the mylar of the subdivision to the township secretary, then the subdivider takes one copy to the Adams County Planning Commission (at the courthouse) for comments. The secretary forwards a copy to the township engineer for his comments and the secretary then gives the rest of the copies to the township planning commission for review and comments at its next meeting. After the township planning commission reviews the subdivision, the plans and comments are given to the township secretary and in turn given to the board of supervisors for its decision at its next meeting.
Please note the Current Fee Schedule.
Woody Myers, Chairman of the Park Board, at (717) 432-4182.
Latimore Township Board of Supervisors
559 Old US Route 15
York Springs, PA 17372
Peck's Septic Service
68 Pine School Road
Gardners, PA 17324
(717) 486-5548
Associated Products Co.
2 East Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
(717) 334-2066
Richard Weidner Excavating
353 Gardners Station Road
Gardners, PA 17324
(717) 677-7949
Young's Septic Service
P.O. Box 704
Dillsburg, PA 17019
(717) 432-3514
Contact the Sewage Enforcement Officer:
John Shambaugh
(717) 512-8434
Please use the information below to contact us.
Thank you for visiting Latimore Township Online.
Latimore Township
559 Old US Route 15
York Springs, PA 17372
Phone: (717) 528-4614
Fax: (717) 528-8281
559 Old US Route 15 York Springs, PA 17372